Assiscunk Creek

Assiscunk Creek offers a pleasant journey on a flood tide from Burlington, an old manufacturing town, to woodlands 4 miles upstream. Tidal freshwater wetlands, suburban backyards, and woods offer a variety of wildlife along the way and only a few regrettable architectural decisions. The bridges are low, and some may not be passable at the top of the tide, so timing is vital. Allowing two hours before high tide at Burlington Island for the trip up and at least an hour after high tide before encountering the bridges near Burlington works allows for a leisurely journey. Timing may change depending on the phase of the moon and wind direction.


April 2022

Before you go

  • Launch from Burlington Boat Ramp on a Flood Tide.
  • Tidal Current Information based on Edgewater Range  at Devlin Range 
  • Kayakers can use the ramp for free if they don’t use a trailer. Cars cannot park in the spots designated for trailers, or they will be ticketed. There are free parking spots for vehicles without trailers. 
  • There is a porta-potty.
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