Burlington Island

Burlington Island lies between Bristol, Pa., and Burlington, NJ. These industrial towns in the 19th and early 20th centuries bear the scars and beauty of that. Bristol’s waterfront seems to be fairing better than its counterpart across the river. Burlington has the island and manages it through the Board of Island Managers. From all appearances, they have been doing a great job of revitalizing the island from its industrial past with significant cleanups and the creation of trails. Only a few years ago, it was officially closed to the public and now can be explored by anyone who can get there, which does require a boat. Over the years, there have been plans for the island ranging from the criminal (burying it in dredge spoils) to the impracticable (creating a historic village). One can only hope the Island managers successfully navigate all of this and keep the island natural and open to boaters.

Due to mining sand in the industrial era, there is a 100-acre lake in the middle of this 300-acre island. It is possible to portage over a low earth dike on the island’s west side and paddle the lake.

There are numerous places to beach a kayak on the island’s west side, fewer on the east side. The main shipping channel passes to the west of Burlington Island. It should be crossed quickly but cautiously. There is a clear view up and down the river, so avoiding commercial traffic is not difficult. Launching from the Burlington boat ramp obviates the need to cross the channel.

June 2023

Before you go

  • Launch from Burlington Boat Ramp on a Flood Tide.
  • Tidal Current Information based on the Devlin Range.
  • Kayaks can use the ramp for free as long as they aren’t using a trailer. Cars cannot park in the spots designated for trailers or they will be ticketed. There are free parking spots for cars without trailers. 
  • There is a porta-potty.


  • Launch from Bristol, Pa.
  • There is parking
  • It is a gravel beach