Oldmans Creek

Between the Oldmans Creek Preserve and Pedricktown Road are farms beyond the wetlands and woods bordering the creek. The water is fresh, though close to the Delaware River salt line, and is used for irrigating those farms. At periodic intervals, one encounters large diesel-powered irrigation pumps, and Fortunately for the paddler, they are not all operating simultaneously. Aside from the pumps, the rural nature of the surroundings lends this waterway a different character than those to the north and south, the land beyond the wetlands and trees being more open and quieter. As one nears the Delaware River, there are more signs of industry, mainly in the form of large distribution centers, the latest side effect of modern life.

Riding the ebb tide, a narrow creek bordered by trees broadens out into a wide thoroughfare surrounded by spatterdock and grasses punctuated by islands of trees. Several fallen trees are across the narrow portion, but it is navigable. Wildlife was plentiful and seemed less habituated to a human presence. The turtles slid into the water sooner, and the birds took flight earlier than along the more populated creeks.

June 2022


Before you go

  • Launch from Oldmans Creek Preserve on an Ebb Tide.
  • Tidal Current Information based on Marcus Hook Bar 
  • There is a small floating dock to launch canoes and kayaks (see the first pictures in the series below).
  • The dock is some distance from the parking lot down a  steep hill. A kayak cart that the boat can be strapped to is recommended
  • There are no facilities.
  • There is a small parking lot.